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10th form

Reported speech 


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Future forms in English (EXERCISES)

Future forms in English

ing or to infinitive list

Примеры эссе
Should every school-leaver know English?
Do you agree that friendship can last yhe whole life?



The plan and some functional vocabulary 
  1. Name the theme of the picture. This picture is on the subject / topic / issue of........ (entertainment; sport; hobbies; environment; shopping etc.).
  2. Say where it was taken. It was (probably) taken inside / outside.
  3. Say where the action is happening. In this picture the action is taking place in. (the house; the living room; the gym; the swimming pool; the theme park etc.).
  4. Describe the background. In the background of this picture there is / are; I can see /  make out ........ (some pieces of furniture; sports equipment; some people doing shopping etc.).
  5. Describe the foreground. In the foreground I can see........ (some children; a family; a shop assistant etc.).
  6. Describe what the people are doing. Looking at these people I get the impression that they are ........(having dinner; watching a film; having a break; doing their homework etc.)
  7. What the people look like. (Age / height / build / hair / eyes / nose / mouth / special features / general impression)
  8. What the people are wearing. (Casually / formally-dressed; the description of pieces of clothes)
  9. How the people are feeling. (Bored / annoyed / upset / sad / miserable / lonely / unhappy / depressed / confused / furious / angry / relaxed / concentrated / worried / happy / tired / interested / puzzled / confident / interested / excited / calm / pleased / thrilled / relieved / amazed)
  10. Describe the season / weather. I think / suppose / guess it's summer spring /   winter /  autumn since .........
  11. Talk about the atmosphere. The atmosphere in the picture is ........(friendly, peaceful, relaxing, tense, busy, warm, cosy, happy etc.).
  12. Talk about your personal attitude to the picture. How the picture makes you feel. Personally I, / As for me, / Frankly speaking, I like this picture as it is bright and colourful, full of positive emotions, etc.). Generally speaking, this picture doesn't appeal to me because ........ (this activity is not my cup of tea /  I hate doing........).
Ссылка на сайт для чтения текста на английском языке: http://www.acapela-group.com/

Music is a common feature of every culture, and is one of the most popular human interests in the world. People listen to music to suit their mood, or to evoke emotions that they enjoy experiencing at the moment. Music has been composed to accommodate any kind of mood, from the depths of despair to complete happiness.
Music suggests much about the society in which it is created. Whether it is a traditional song, a Strauss waltz, a gospel song or a rock video, music reflects the culture it comes from. It expresses experience as well as affecting it, creating feelings and responses in the listener.

Like many art forms, music mirrors society, sometimes raising questions about norms and values, and sometimes even causing change. When this happens, music can end up serving a purpose it was not necessarily intended for.
Popular music has been known to create an identity for groups of people. Songs that were popular during World War II helped unify soldiers with those at home, for example, songs by E. Petersburgsky «Dark-blue Shawl» and V. Soloviev-Sedoy «We Haven’t Been Home for Long”, «The Evening Before the Raid” and «My Moscow”.
Songs and music sometimes become symbols for a particular group of people, a place or a historical event. Some music is even considered a symbol for a whole generation. Probably for your parents, singers such as Victor Tsoy (Kino), Boris Grebenshchikov (Aquarium), and Yuri Shevtchuk (DDT) created much of the music that embodied what it was like to be a teen in the 1980’s.
Music exists in many forms and means different things to different people. But is music one of mankind’s most exquisite forms of art?

№ 105
Example: I truly believe that Darren is an extremely  devoted person. He has been playing music since his childhood and he continues to do it every day. Darren is not going to give up on music even though he has calluses because of playing the drums.

Passive voice
1. They are building a new stadium near the station. 
2.The wolf ate the princess.
 3. At six o’clock someone was telling a story. 
4. Somebody has drunk all the milk!
 5 I had cleaned all the windows before the storm. 6. A workman will repair the computer tomorrow. 7. By next year the students will have studied the passive. 
8 James might cook dinner.   


Reported speech
Изменения наречий времени и указательных местоимений:

Make use of the following phrases when answering the questions:

  • As well as the majority of students in our class I strongly believe/ (dis)agree that ...
  • Firstly, because... Secondly, because...
  • Besides, it's quite common for girls/ boys...
  • Moreover/ Nevertheless, I tend to ...
  • Moreover/ Nevertheless, I (don't) support the idea of + ingV...
  • In my opinion, the most popular/ reasonable argument for/ against smth is ...

  • In sum, .../ To generalise, I would conclude by saying that...

The world of science sure 12)__________________ (change) a lot in the last few years!13)__________________ (you / hear) about the discovery of water on Mars? Last August the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 14)__________________ (use) an imaging spectrometer and
15)__________________ (detect) signs of hydrated minerals. This confirmed what NASA 16)__________________ (long / suspect)!!!We17)__________________ (learn) so much about our Solar System since we first 18)__________________ (land) on the Moon and these are things that 19)__________________ (seem) impossible to study just one hundred years back!

This20)__________________ (be) such an amazing opportunity and I love every minute!

Lots of love, 
to take the cake - превзойти все
water under the bridgeчто было, то было; что-либо, что уже произошло и чего нельзя изменить

Complete the email with the past simple or present perfect of the verb in parentheses.
Hi there Mom and Dad!!

I 1)__________________ (not / be) sure about the Girl's Science Summer Camp when I first heard about it, but I 2)__________________ (have) the most amazing time since I got here! And to think that it wasn’t so long ago that I 3)__________________ (pack) my bags and 4)__________________ (kiss) you goodbye! Two weeks down and three to go!

Every day we have new guest speakers and the talks 5)__________________ (be) fascinating so far, at least until yesterday when Neil Degrasse Tyson6)__________________ (have) to cancel because of a cancelled flight. Our camp leaders then7)__________________ (decide) to bring us to the laboratory, and we 8)__________________ (make) eggshell geode crystals instead. Well, you know that I 9)__________________ (do) a lot of different experiments in my life, but this one 10)__________________ (be) truly cool, and unlike my chemistry experiments gone wrong, nothing11)__________________ (explode)!!!
This20)__________________ (be) such an amazing opportunity and I love every minute!

Lots of love,

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