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9th form


Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 2732, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 2732.

Russia is a large country with great diversity in flora and fauna. There are several large ____NATION_________ parks in Russia. A lot of different animals live there. Wolves are probably the best known, and are very well studied animals, so we have enough ______INFORM________ about their diet and behaviour. The wolf is a good ______HUNT_________. They usually hunt wild animals like deer and hares, but sometimes they can attack sheep, goats, and cows. The wolf tries to avoid people and only goes into villages when he is _______REAL______ hungry. In some ______RUSSIA________ tales, the wolf is often represented as a clever animal that helps the main character, Ivan. The wolf is usually direct and _____CREATE________ and helps Ivan to cope with many difficult problems.
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 2732, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию 2732.

Learning languages is important nowadays. It is interesting and ___USE____. Language skills help people to travel, study, and establish ___PROFESSION____ links with colleagues from other countries.  Some people say that learning languages is easy but others strongly ___AGREE____. They say that learning languages takes a lot of time and they are not happy with their progress anyway. Meanwhile, there are some strategies that can make you a successful language _____LEARN____ and save your time. The first idea is watching films in the original. If the films are ____INTEREST____, learning is just fun, not hard work. Online and live ___COMMUNICATE____ with people in the language you are learning also helps a lot.

The plan and some functional vocabulary to describe a picture
  1. Name the theme of the picture. This picture is on the subject / topic / issue of........ (entertainment; sport; hobbies; environment; shopping etc.).
  2. Say where it was taken. It was (probably) taken inside / outside.
  3. Say where the action is happening. In this picture the action is taking place in. (the house; the living room; the gym; the swimming pool; the theme park etc.).
  4. Describe the background. In the background of this picture there is / are; I can see /  make out ........ (some pieces of furniture; sports equipment; some people doing shopping etc.).
  5. Describe the foreground. In the foreground I can see........ (some children; a family; a shop assistant etc.).
  6. Describe what the people are doing. Looking at these people I get the impression that they are ........(having dinner; watching a film; having a break; doing their homework etc.)
  7. What the people look like. (Age / height / build / hair / eyes / nose / mouth / special features / general impression)
  8. What the people are wearing. (Casually / formally-dressed; the description of pieces of clothes)
  9. How the people are feeling. (Bored / annoyed / upset / sad / miserable / lonely / unhappy / depressed / confused / furious / angry / relaxed / concentrated / worried / happy / tired / interested / puzzled / confident / interested / excited / calm / pleased / thrilled / relieved / amazed)
  10. Describe the season / weather. I think / suppose / guess it's summer spring /   winter /  autumn since .........
  11. Talk about the atmosphere. The atmosphere in the picture is ........(friendly, peaceful, relaxing, tense, busy, warm, cosy, happy etc.).
  12. Talk about your personal attitude to the picture. How the picture makes you feel. Personally I, / As for me, / Frankly speaking, I like this picture as it is bright and colourful, full of positive emotions, etc.). Generally speaking, this picture doesn't appeal to me because ........ (this activity is not my cup of tea /  I hate doing........).
Reported speech
Изменения наречий времени и указательных местоимений:

Begin with the sentence:
If you ever happen to be in Kemerovo, a city in the south of the south-east of Western Siberia ... 
Make use of the following phrases (используйте 5 из 7, или все 7):
You should definetly...
...(smth) is worth visiting.
On the one hand, ... on the other hand, ...
To be honest, /Frankly speaking, (честно говоря...)

ССЫЛКА НА САЙТ http://www.acapela-group.com/
I had put on the appropriate clothing for the occasion: tight black jeans and a black and silver jumper.
Unfortunately, I will not he able to dance like them.
We had been planning on going to the rock concert for several weeks, but it wasn't easy to get the tickets. That's why, when my boyfriend Jason managed to buy them. I was delighted.
The night of the concert came, and Jason dropped by to pick me up. It matched all right and I looked great in it. At least Jason thought so. We promised our parents to behave and to be home on time.
We went to see the famous group, the Rolling Logs. They were gorgeous! The electric guitars sounded all right and I liked the drummer a lot. The special effects were beyond all expectations. To tell the truth. I prefer this style of music to others. It's very energetic. It makes you dance and jump and cry. It may be too loud sometimes, and everybody around you looks a little bit crazy but what's wrong with that? It's only for two hours and it gives you energy for many days afterwards.
I hope that when I'm an old lady. I will still be able to understand and even share my grandchildren's taste in music. That's why I'm enjoying myself now! 

Fill in the right question tag!

1) Simon won’t come, _____?

2) Rachel dropped the plate, ______?.

3) Tamara’s on holiday, ______?

4) I’ve never been here before, ___?

5) He had robbed the bank before he ran away, 
6) There were a lot of beautiful, colourful flowers, ________?

7) You don’t mind if I’ll come 2 minutes later, ______?

8) My brother is such a selfish boy, _______?

9) Austrians are said to be humourous, ______?

***-Everyone was at the party, _________?

-No one saw us, _________?

-Be quiet, _________?

-Don't shout, _________?

-I'm wrong, _________?

-Let's go home, _________?

overhead compartment - отсек наверху/ над головой
to miss the flight 
departure time
disturb the airport officials
unattented (оставленный без присмотра) luggage
hand rail - порученьперила
the landing step at the end of escalator - последняя ступенька эскалатора
insurance - страховка
a slice
the rest of something - остаток чего-л.
much (с исчисляемыми существительными) - many (с неисчисляемыми)
little - few (+ степени сравнения: little -less - the least; few- fewer - the fewest (http://www.correctenglish.ru/mistakes/vocabulary/little-few/)
either ... or - или ... или...
neither ... nor - ни... ни...
some - any (разница между ними)
Повторите разряды прилагательных
Обратите внимание на перевод слов, их формы / времена глаголов:

The biggest cities of the United Kingdom
The biggest cities of the United Kingdom are also great industrial and cultural centres. The biggest city of the country is London. The population of Greater London is now over 8 million people. Lots of men and women crowd the city at day-time. They are engaged in the vast international business of London which has made it like no other place in the world. Many of the present-day commercial, financial, and civic institutions of the city have their roots in the 16th century, and some go even deeper. London is also a cultural centre of the England. The British Museum, located here is the largest in the world. In the evening you may choose between more than 50 theatres of the city. Among most famous city attractions are also Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London and many others.
Other big and famous cities of the United Kingdom are Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Belfast and others. They are famous for its companies, unique character and history. Birmingham is long famous as an international business centre. It has developed into a modern and exciting city, which buildings and shops are second to none. Birmingham is at heart of Britain's motorway system. Massive post-war development brought exciting new buildings, but the best of the old ones have been preserved. The city's museum and art gallery has some of the finest examples of European painting. Birmingnam's ultra-modern library is one of the largest and best stocked in Europe and includes the Shakespeare Memorial Library with 40,000 books in 90 languages. The city possesses several interesting churches and two cathedrals.
Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is also a great city of more than half a million inhabitants. The city is built of stone, not brick. The houses look hard and solid. Some people would call them grim, especially on a wet day, but when the sun shines beautifully in the city the city looks fine. Its many bookshops, taverns, and clubs some of world-famous people visited at different times. Among them were Dr. Johnson and Robert Burns. One of the famous avenues in the world is the Prince's Street in Edinburgh. It is the finest street and a shopping area of the city.
Glasgow is the third largest city of Great Britain. You may feel its industrial energy everywhere in the city. The city extends along both banks of the river Clyde. With each phase of its development it has stretched, until its outskirts now lie several miles from the city centre. It is, by far, the largest and most populous city in the whole of Scotland. Glasgow is known the world over for its ship-building. Glasgow-built locomotives run in every part of the world. Today Glasgow is of such a size that it extends far over both banks of the river Clyde and bridges are as essential for the conduct of activities as are the people themselves. Within a distance of a mile there are 7 bridges. They carry road and rail traffic in and out of the city. No other city of Scotland has or needs as many river crossings as Glasgow.
Cardiff, the capital of Wales, lies near the mouth of the river Taff. In the days of our great-grandparents Cardiff was a tiny village. Today there are about a quarter of a million people living there. Cardiff is now the largest town in Wales and is noted for its coal. There is also a delightful park in the city which everyone tries to see. This is Cathay's Park. Few towns in the world have such fine public buildings as Cardiff. The Law Courts, City Hall and University buildings in Cathay's Park are worthy of any city in the world. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have many other cities and towns, that attract thousands of people from all over the world either on business or private visit.

Разница между Needn’t и Don’t need to
Needn’t и Don’t need to могут быть взаимозаменяемы, когда речь идет о разрешении не делать что-то.
Употребление Needn’t:
·  когда решение о необходимости исходит от самого говорящего.
Употребление Don’t need to:
·  когда ситуация подразумевается в общем;
·  когда решение о необходимости исходит от кого-то другого (не говорящего) или зависит от внешних правил.
Examples (примеры)
1.As you worked late yesterday you needn’t come in until ten tomorrow morning – Так как ты работал допоздна, можешь не приходить раньше 10 часов утра завтра. (решение исходит от говорящего)
4.We’ve been told that we don’t need to be at work until ten tomorrow – Нам сказали, что не надо приходить на работу раньше 10 часов завтра. (решение исходит от третьего лица, а не от говорящего)
Модальные глаголы should и ought to 
имеют одинаковое значение, но слегка отличаются в употреблении в ситуациях общения. В то время как should выражает совет теоретического плана, ought to употребляется в конкретной ситуации.  Сравните: If someone invites you to a picnic and you don't want to go, you should refuse gently. Если вас приглашают на пикник, а вы не хотите ехать, вам следует вежливо отказаться. (совет общего плана) Your parents will give you presents for Christmas. You ought to thank them. Ваши родители сделают вам подарки к Рождеству. Вам следует поблагодарить их. (совет в конкретной ситуации)
Модальный глагол ought to редко употребляется в вопросах и отрицательных предложениях; обычно он заменяется на глагол should. 
You shouldn't praise pictures or ornaments in the house. If you do, your Japanese hosts might feel they have to give the object to you.  Вам не следует хвалить картины или другие украшения в доме. Если вы это сделаете, то японцы, хозяева дома, могут подумать, что они должны подарить вам этот предмет.
Should I send a thank you note?


9 "A"
Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive).

  1. A: (you / take)  the dog for a walk yet?
  2. B: I (work)  all day. I (come / just)  home from work and I (have / not) the time yet to walk the dog.
  3. A: How long (the dog / be)  home alone?
  4. B: For about 6 hours. You (walk / not)  the dog for a long time. Don't you want to go?
  5. A: Well, I (laze / not)  about all day either, you know. I have a very important meeting tomorrow and I still (finish / not) my presentation.
  6. B: Okay, I will go then. Where (you / put)  collar and leash?
  7. A: They are in the kitchen. By the way, (you / eat)  anything yet? If not, could you get us something from the supermarket?
Выражения, которые могут помочь вам выразить свои идеи:
Для выражения мнения:

In my opinion, I believe, I think, In my view, The way I see it, It seems to me (that), I strongly believe (that), I am strongly convinced (that) etc.
Чтобы перечислить пункты:
First of all, In the first place, To start with, To begin with, Firstly.
Чтобы добавить идеи:
Not to mention the fact that, What is more, Apart from this, Besides, Moreover, In addition to this / that, Furthermore, Another major reason, Also.
Чтобы ввести противоположную идею:
On the contrary, Contrary to what most people believe, As opposed to the above ideas, There are people who oppose, Opponents of this view say, It is argues that, People argue that.
Чтобы ввести примеры:
For instance, For example, Such as, Especially, In particular.
Чтобы сделать вывод:
All in all, To sum up, All things considered, Taking everything



  • Are TV and video popular in the entertainment world nowadays? (2-3arguments)
  • What are advantages and disadvantages of TV and video? (3-4 arguments)
  • What kind(s) of TV programmes and video do you prefer? Why? (3 - 4 arguments)

P. S. To make the conclusion usethe  ideas from ex. 126

       to abuse – жестоко обращаться
       to be abused and punished (наказывать) daily
       To force (заставлять) someone to perform
       unnatural, stressful environment
       to be trained/beaten using whips (кнуты), ropes (веревки),  and other weapons, food deprivation (лишение)
       to be afraid of the trainer and not attack.
       until they bleed (истекать кровью)
       to perform dangerous, uncomfortable tricks (трюки)
       to spend most of their lives in isolation 
       to be chained (закованные в цепи) or caged (в клетках) in small areas
       to fight back (давать отпор) against someone

       to be sometimes shot and killed
Rewrite the sentences from active into passive:
They were interviewing her for the job. 
Tom is writing the letter. 
She had not noticed me.
The fire has destroyed the house.
This surprises me. 
My colleague hasn't introduced me to Dr Young yet.
They had started a fight. 
We must look into the question.
Has he given you back the book yet? 

9 А и Б!
  • К следующему уроку принесите тетради для контрольных работ!
  • Напоминаю: в течение недели - написать 10 фраз о маме (формат WORD). Сдать работу в следующий понедельник. (14.11.2016) Принести на флешке или отправить документом!!! на мою почту: ludmila_solomatova@mail.ru
  • Некоторые материалы для сочинения будут опубликованы позже.
  • По теории ниже - иметь конспект в тетради! 8 предложений выполнить письменно в р.т.

Tag questions: правилa образования.

Что представляют собой разделительные вопросы в английском языке? Они состоят из 2-х частей. Первая  – утвердительная или отрицательная, вторая – «хвостик» — краткий общий вопрос. Части разделительного вопроса отделяются запятой. На русский язык хвостик вопроса переводится не правда ли?, не так ли?ведь так?, разве не так?
Greg knew that before, didn't he? – Грег знал об этом и раньше, ведь так?
Lora hasn’t come yet, has she? – Лора еще не пришла, разве не так?

  • Если первая часть Disjunctive question утвердительная, то «хвостик» будет отрицательным:
Paulin visited her grandma, didn’t she? – Полин навестила свою бабушку, не так ли?
  • Если же основная часть отрицательная, то «хвостик» будет положительным:

Paulin didn't visit her grandma, did she? – Полин не навестила свою бабушку, не так ли?
Если в утвердительной первой части предложения содержатся слова, придающие предложению отрицательный оттенок, то вся часть будет рассматриваться как отрицательная и, поэтому, «хвостик» будет положительным. Вот список некоторых из подобных слов:
No, never, no one, nobody, scarcely, seldom, hardly, refuse и пр.
They never enjoy their holidays, do they? – Они никогда не наслаждаются своим отпуском, разве не так?
Nobody was there, were they? – Там никого не было, не так ли?
Местоимения, заканчивающиеся на one и body, будут меняться на местоимение they в хвостике вопроса.
Everybody is present, aren’t they? – Все присутствуют, разве не так?

Как построить «хвостик» разделительного вопроса?

Самое сложное в теории Tag Questions – это правильно построить этот самый tag – краткий вопрос, то есть хвостик.
В разделительном вопросе краткий вопрос состоит из:
  • вспомогательного глагола
  • частицы not, если нам нужен отрицательный хвостик при утвердительной основной части;
  • подлежащего, выраженного личным местоимением.
Здесь главное – подобрать правильный вспомогательный глагол. В этом Вам поможет следующая таблица.

Question tags таблица.

Основная часть
Краткий вопрос
am not
I am not tall, am I?
I am tall, aren't I?
Greg is here, isn’t he?
Kids are at home, aren’t they?
is not /isn’t
Greg isn’t here, is he?
are not/aren’t
Kids aren’t at home, are they?
Greg was here, wasn’t he?
Kids were at home, weren’t they?
was not /wasn’t
Greg wasn’t here, was he?
were not /weren’t
Kids weren’t at home, were they?
I have played chess, haven’t I?
Paul has played chess, hasn’t he?
have not /haven’t
I haven’t played chess, have I?
has not /hasn’t
Paul hasn’t played chess, has he?
I had played chess, hadn’t I?
Paul hadn’t played chess, had he?
Molly will phone us, won’t she?
Greg won’t phone us, will he?
We shall arrive soon, shan’t we?
shall not / Shan’t
We shan’t arrive soon, shall we?
It would be possible, wouldn’t it?
would not /wouldn’t
He wouldn’t come, would he?
Molly can swim, can’t she?
can not /can’t
You cannot do this, can you?
Molly could swim, couldn’t she?
could nоt / couldn’t
You couldn’t do that, could you?
I may be free, mayn’t I?
may not / mayn’t
I mayn’t write here, may I?
It might be true, mightn’t it?
might not /mightn’t
It mightn’t be so late, might it?
You must keep calm, mustn’t you?
You mustn’t panic, must you?
You should eat less, shouldn’t you?
should not /shouldn’t
You shouldn’t eat cakes, should you?
does not / doesn't
Greg doesn't like Jim, does he?
do not / don't
We do not like Greg, do we?
did not / didn't
Molly didn't come, did she?
Так будут выглядеть Ваши разделительные вопросы, если в них явно присутствует вспомогательный глагол. 
 В двух случаях вы не сможете найти вспомогательный глагол в первой части. Что это за случаи?
Если ваша основная часть – утвердительная и стоит в Present Simple, то вы будете видеть либо просто смысловой глагол, либо смысловой глагол с окончанием –s/es. В таком случае, используйте don’t / doesn’t.
I roll the bones very well, don’t I? – Я хорошо играю в нарды, не так ли?
Greg rolls the bones well, doesn’t he? – Грег хорошо играет в нарды, не так ли?
  • Утвердительная часть в Past Simple.
Если основная часть вашего разделительного вопроса – утвердительная и стоит в Past Simple, то вы будете видеть смысловой глагол в форме прошедшего времени (неправильный глагол либо глагол с окончанием –ed). В таком случае, используйте didn’t.
Molly came late on Thursday, didn’t she? – Молли опоздала в четверг, не так ли?
Molly rolled the bones well in her childhood, didn’t she?  — Молли хорошо играла в нарды в детстве, не так ли?

Особые случаи построения разделительных вопросов в английском языке.

Есть несколько особых случаев построения Tag questions, на которых я хочу сосредоточить внимание.
  • Если в главной части Вы видите I am, то в хвостике будет aren't I?
I am 29 years old, aren’t I?
  • Если в главной части оборот there is – то его нужно будет использовать и в хвостике, согласно основным правилам:

Таблица разделительных вопросов с оборотом there is. Question tags таблица 2.

схема разделительного вопроса в английском
There are twenty chairs in the assembly hall, aren’t there?
  • Если в основной части Вы видите this is или that is, то в конце разделительного вопроса будет isn't it?
This is Greg’s brother, isn’t it?
  • Если в основной части вы видите предложение, начинающееся с Let’s (Let us) – в кратком вопросе нужно использовать shall we? Хвостик в таких предложениях не переводится.
Let’s change the kitchen design, shall we? – Давайте сменим дизайн кухни? / Почему бы нам не сменить дизайн кухни?
  • Если же первая часть разделительного вопроса начинается с Let me, Let him, Let her, Let them, то хвостик будет will you? или won’t you?
Let Molly explain her position, will you?
  • Если первая часть разделительного вопроса представляет собой повелительное наклонение, то краткий вопрос будет will you? В утвердительной форме повелительного наклонения можно использовать и won't you?
Lend me some money, will you?
Don’t shout at me, will you?

Интонационное оформление разделительных вопросов.

Обычно краткий вопрос в конце Tag question произносится с повышением тона. Однако, если говорящий ничуть не сомневается в ответе, и все предложение, скорее, носит характер утверждения, то тон в хвостике понижается.
 Complete the sentences with suitable tags (дополните предложения подходящими "хвостиками"):

1.  Everybody heard us, _______________ ?

2.   Jack never goes to bed until really late, _______________ ?

3.   Let's go to Malta this weekend, ______________ ?

4.   We hardly sunbathed in the summer, _______________ ?

5.   Someone called him , _______________ ?

6.   It's never too late , _______________ ?

7.   There were no mistakes, _______________ ?

8.   Everybody will enjoy the party, _______________ ?

....and don't forget to 

9 классы
I'm lucky to have a best friend. His/her name is... We've been best mates for about ... year(s).
I think we are very much alike/ completely different. We usually (dis)agree on such things as ... and we are both / he/she is/ I am...(name 3-4 adjectives). It's good being friends with ... because he/she always gives me tips on ... (name 2 things), supports me when I'm ..., never tells me lies and sees life through my eyes. ... (name of your friend) is the best friend anyone could ask for.
9 А

  1. She (do the washing up) when her mother came in.
  2. We  (get) married in June.
  3. When we came to the station the train (already leave)/
  4. What _ your dad (do ) for a living?
  5. I love London. I (probably / go)   there next year.

Конструкция be going to. Теория. Отличие от Future Simple и Present Continuous
Конструкция be going to относится к часто употребляемым конструкциям английского языка. Конструкция широко используется и в письменной, и тем более в устной речи. Be going to переводится как ‘собираться’. Если рассмотреть конструкцию be going to с точки зрения грамматики, то можно разделить ее на две части:
изменяемая часть
неизменная часть
going to
Как видим, изменяемой частью данной конструкции является глагол to be, а потому, именно благодаря изменению to be, конструкция be going to согласуется с подлежащим и имеет формы настоящего и прошедшего простых времен.
Be going to в PRESENT SIMPLE.
Рассмотрим употребление be going to в Present Simple.

Be going to в PAST SIMPLE.
Рассмотрим употребление be going to в Past Simple.

Как правило, употребление be going to ограничивается двумя вышеописанными временами — Present Simple и Past Simple.
Основные правила и особенности употребления be going to.
Употребление be going to часто пересекается с употреблением глаголов во Future Simple или Present Continuous. Рассмотрим данные случаи, так как они зачастую вызывают сложности.

Отличие be going to от Future Simple.
Be going to означает ‘собираться сделать что-то’, тогда как глаголы во Future Simple указывают на спонтанность / сиюминутность решения. Сравните:
Polly's going to visit her granny on Sunday.  – Полли собирается навестить бабушку в воскресенье.
MOTHER: Polly, you granny's just phoned. She feels bad.
POLLY: OK, I will visit her on Sunday.
(МАМА: Полли, звонила бабушка. Она себя плохо чувствует.
ПОЛЛИ: Ладно, я навещу ее в воскресенье)
В первом случае речь идет об обдуманном намерении, а во втором – о сиюминутном решении, вызванном обстоятельствами.
Отличие be going to от Present Continuous.
Одним из значений Present Continuous является указание запланированного на будущее действия.
Polly is visiting her granny on Sunday. – В воскресенье Полли планирует навестить бабушку.
Тогда в чем разница между be going и Present Continuous? Разница есть, хотя она не всегда очевидна.
Употребление Present Continuos для запланированных действий обычно подразумевает:
  • наличие договоренности с кем-либо
  • наличие заранее купленных билетов либо любых других приготовлений к будущему действию.
Be going to лишь выражает личное намерение осуществить некое действие.
Таким образом:
Polly is visiting her granny on Sunday. (В воскресенье Полли планирует навестить бабушку. Она договорилась с бабушкой, возможно, приобрела билеты, купила бабушке подарок или что-либо подобное.)
Polly is going to visit her granny on Sunday. (В воскресенье Полли планирует навестить бабушку. Полли так решила, ни с кем не договариваясь.)
Стоит еще раз подчеркнуть, что разница между be going и Present Continuous может быть очевидна исключительно из контекста. Без контекста оба предложения — Polly is visiting her granny on Sunday и Polly is going to visit her granny on Sunday- будут верны и мы не сможем остановиться на одном конкретном варианте.
Обратите внимание!
Be going, как правило, не употребляется с глаголами go и come. Если по-русски 'я coбираюсь пойти' —  вполне приемлемая фраза, то по-английски  ‘I’m going to go' звучит не совсем корректно. Вместо ‘I’m going to go’ (я собираюсь пойти) и ‘I’m going to come’ (я собираюсь прийти) следует использовать просто ‘I’m going’ и ‘I’m coming’.
Be going может иметь значение неизбежности, огромной вероятности, очевидности будущего события. Как правило, в контексте описываются признаки того, что событие произойдет.
Polly's missed the bus. She’s going to be late. – Полли пропустила свой автобус. Вероятно, она опоздает.
Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present progressive).
1.      I love London. I (probably / go)   there next year.
2.      Our train (leave)   at 4:47.
3.      What (wear / you)   at the party tonight?
4.      I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I (find)   something nice in my mum's wardrobe.
5.      This is my last day here. I (go)   back to England tomorrow.
6.      Hurry up! The conference (begin)   in 20 minutes.
7.      My horoscope says that I (meet)   an old friend this week.
8.      Look at these big black clouds! It (rain)  .
9.      Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be)   dry and sunny.
10.  What does a blonde say when she sees a banana skin lying just a few metres in front of her? - Oh dear! I (slip)  !
11.  I  (see) Tom tomorrow, he  (sell) me his car.
12.  I believe in future. One day man  reach (reach) other planets.
13.  Look at that policeman. He  (put) us a fine.
14.  Don't take off your coats', said he, we  (leave) for Madrid immediately.
15.  you  (open) the marmalade for me? It's too tight.
16.  We  (get) married in June.
17.  All this food looks wonderful. I think I  (have) an Indian curry.
18.  There  (be) a good harvest next year, so the farmers are happy.
19.  Those clouds are really black. It  (rain) hard.
20.  It's a promise, we  (build) the underground and a public swimming pool.3.10.2016

9 "А"

1. Jack ... his mother tomorrow.(meet) 

2. He believes it ... soon.(snow) 

3. Perhaps we ... Paris one day.(visit) 

4. What time ... tomorrow?(leave/you) 

5. We're absolutely sure you ... the exam next week. (not fail) 

6. They ... their parents at the week-end. They've alredy called them and arranged the time. (visit) 

7. Don't touch that dog. It ... you. (bite) 
Грамматическое задание для "А" и "Б" классов разное, устное - одинаковое

9 А

  1. Do you like writing poems? - Yes , I  ten poems this year (ALREADY write).
  2. You look very frustrated. - What ? (HAPPEN).
  3. When we came home, the match  (ALREADY START)
  4. We went into the room to see what the children  (DO).
  5. Our mum usually  any cakes but today she  one because her cousin  in two days (NOT BAKE, BAKE, ARRIVE).


The Eiffel Tower

In the picture you can see the Eiffel Tower – the best known symbol of France and Paris. It was named after Gustav Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower in 1889. This lattice tower is made of puddle iron. The tower stands on four legs and has a sharp peak on the top. 
The tower is the tallest structure in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; 6.98 million people ascended it in 2011. The tower received its 250 millionth visitor in 2010.
The tower is 324 metres tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building. Its base is square, 125 metres on a side. 
The tower has three levels for visitors, with restaurants on the first and second. The third level observatory's upper platform is 276 m above the ground, the highest accessible to the public in the European Union. 


The Stonehenge stone circles are in England. People transported the first stones to this place about 5000 years ago. We don't know a lot about Stonehenge. Who built it? How did they build it? Why did they build it? It's a mystery.
People built Stonehenge with bluestones and sarsen stones. There were about 80 bluestones. They came from mountains 250 kilometers away. They are very heavy – some weigh about 4 metric tons. The sarsen stones are even bigger and heavier. About 4000 years ago, people transported them from 30 kilometers away.
How did people use Stonehenge? Maybe they used it as a cemetery or a place for studying the sun and the stars. Maybe it was also a temple. It's still a special place for some people today. Every year, on June 21st, lots of people go to Stonehenge to celebrate the longest day of the year.

Great Pyramid of Cheops

The Great Pyramid at Giza, also called the Pyramid  of Cheops, is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now Cairo, Egypt, and is the only remaining member of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is believed the pyramid was built as a tomb for Fourth dynasty Egyptian King Khufu (Cheops in Greek).
The total mass of the pyramid is estimated at 5.9 million tonnes. 
The pyramid has three burial chambers
Not much is known about Cheops (Khufu). The tomb had been robbed long before archeologists came upon it. Any information about him was taken with the objects inside the tomb. He is thought to have been the ruler of a highly structured society and he must have been very wealthy. He was buried alone in this massive tomb. His wives may have been buried nearby in smaller mastabas.



Types of holidays      
When you are on holiday
you can go :
To the seaside
To the mountains
To the country
On a walking holiday
On a sightseeing holiday

you can :
Put your feet up
Do some sunbathing
Get sunburnt
Try the local food
Go out at night
you can do :

Scuba diving


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